Tag: Abacus Maths Classes

Abacus Maths Programme | BYITCInternational
Abacus Maths

Abacus Maths: Choose the Best Programme for Your Children

Selecting the best abacus maths programme for your child can have a significant impact on their cognitive development and establish the groundwork for more complex arithmetic skills. Through practical methods and organised instruction, children can develop their mental maths skills with a …

Abacus Mental Maths | Byitcinternational
Abacus Maths

Enhancing Brain Function and Memory with the Abacus Mental Maths

Is your child struggling with academics, especially mathematics? Want to boost your child’s memory and brain function? In that case, enrolling them in the online abacus classes can be an excellent option. If you are wondering what is abacus? Well, it is …

Abacus Maths and Adaptive Learning Technologies
Abacus Maths

How Adaptive Learning Technologies are Changing the Landscape of Abacus Maths

In today’s age of the internet, numerous technologies continue to evolve. The emergence of new adaptive learning technologieshas resulted in a significant transformation in the way children learn. Such technologies have alsoimpacted the abacus maths. In this blog, you will learn how adaptive …

How to Provide Game-Based Abacus Maths Learning in Your Existing Tuition Center? | Byitcinternational
Abacus Maths

How to Provide Game-Based Abacus Learning in Your Existing Tuition Center?

From Generation X to Generation Z, the world has seen drastic changes in learning models. Schools and institutions shifted from generic in-class theory to a more applied approach. Employing smart classes and audio-visual aids became standard practice as we hit the latter …

How to Learn Abacus Maths Learning Classes through Games? | Byitcinternational
Abacus Maths

How to Learn Abacus Maths through Games?

The importance of learning has transcended through every generation. In today’s world that’s becoming more literate, quick learning is the key to unlocking growth. In the last couple of decades, we’ve also seen drastic shifts in teaching pedagogies. However, today’s competitive world …

Competitive Exams | Byitcinternational
Abacus Maths

Would Abacus Help in Competitive Exams Practice?

Abacus is one of the ancient techniques for teaching mathematical operations to children. It not only enhances the mathematical abilities of kids but ensures overall growth and development. Moreover, Abacus maths can also help in competitive exams practice. Yes, you read it …

How Did the Abacus Change the World | Byitcinternational
Abacus Maths

How did the Abacus change the world?

Abacus is a calculation tool that has been used in China for about 2,000 years. It is still alive today! Not just China but the entire world is now leveraging the Abacus for accurate and fast numerical calculations. Today, more and more …

Online abacus maths classes | Byitcinternational
Abacus Maths

How To Learn Abacus Maths at Home?

Abacus: A historical context The word ‘Abacus’ is derived from the Latin word, ‘Abax’, which means ‘a flat surface.’ In olden times, an Abacus was a tool used to perform mathematical calculations by shifting pebbles on a flat surface. Learn Abacus Maths …

Abacus Books | Byitcinternational
Abacus Maths

How to use an Abacus for Basic Math Operations?

Abacus maths is an ancient technique for performing complex calculations. This technique is popular and it helps in the growth and development of the brain. Children who study from Abacus books acquire enhanced cognitive abilities after just a few years of practice. …

Is abacus useful | Byitcinternational

Is Abacus Useful?

 Benefits Of Learning Abacus Even though the popularity and awareness of Abacus education programs have increased, we, at BYITC, still get queries like, Is Abacus useful. To counter this we educate parents on the benefits of the Abacus before discussing the training …


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