Which is the Best Franchise Opportunity with Low Investment Requirement?
Franchising is an extremely efficient business model. Franchisee partners get the opportunity to leverage an existing brand and replicate its success across multiple geographies. Anyone can take advantage of this strategy to generate profits and ensure business success. An education franchise in …
How did the Abacus change the world?
Abacus is a calculation tool that has been used in China for about 2,000 years. It is still alive today! Not just China but the entire world is now leveraging the Abacus for accurate and fast numerical calculations. Today, more and more …
How Long Does It Take to Learn Fluent Spoken English?
If you are planning to enrol your child in an English-speaking course for kids or feel they need to improve their English language skills, you are then probably curious about how much time it might take. Well, to cut to the chase, no instructor …
What is the Impact of Digital Game-based Abacus Learning on Students’ Performance?
The modern education system incorporates cutting-edge tools and techniques to enhance learning and performance. However, students can make the most of these innovations only when they have foundational skills like mental mathematics. Students who can quickly compute mathematical solutions can demonstrate excellent …